Blooms for Bees

Blooms for Bees

Category Archives: Uncategorised

Highly Commended award

Flower border - Coventry University

We are very pleased to say that Coventry University were given a ‘Highly Commended’ award at yesterday’s #BeesNeeds event. This was in recognition of the wonderful campus Grounds Team and the Blooms for Bees project. The gardeners at the city … Continue reading

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Sourcing plants for the Blooms for Bees border

The Blooms for Bees flower border was designed to provide food and habitat for bumblebees and other wildlife (see Designing the Blooms for Bees border), but we also wanted to make sure that the act of creating the border had … Continue reading

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Designing the Blooms for Bees border

Over the summer of 2016, Blooms for Bees installed a new flower border at Ryton Organic Gardens near Coventry. We wanted to create a flower-filled area that would provide food for bumblebees and other insect pollinators, for as much of … Continue reading

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Welcome to the Blooms for Bees project!

Blooms for bees

Welcome to the new Blooms for Bees project website. We hope you like the site and find it both useful and interesting.  We’ll be using the Blog section to post regular updates on the project as well as advice on … Continue reading

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Blooms for Bees