Blooms for Bees

Blooms for Bees

Category Archives: Uncategorised

Evaluation report

Our funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund has officially come to an end, and it’s been great to look back over the project’s many successes and achievements while writing our Evaluation Report. During the two and a half year project, … Continue reading

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Blooms for Bees quiz

We have developed a short quiz to test people’s bumblebee identification skills and familiarity with bumblebee-friendly garden plants. You can take part in this quiz whether you participated in the Blooms for Bees project or not. The quiz closes at … Continue reading

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Our first journal paper

The first Blooms for Bees journal paper ‘Evaluating the ability of citizen scientists to identify bumblebee (Bombus) species’ has been published in PLOS One this week. You can read the full paper on the PLOS One website. In this paper, we use … Continue reading

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Blooms for Bees featured in new wildlife gardening book

We are delighted that the Blooms for Bees project features in Kate Bradbury’s new book, Wildlife Gardening for everyone and everything, published by Bloomsbury in April 2019. The book is absolutely packed with gorgeous photographs and practical information, some of which … Continue reading

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The results 2017

Thank you to everyone who submitted surveys in 2017 and 2018. We received records from 599 participants, from as far north as the Shetland Islands and as far south as the Isles of Scilly. In this blog post, we share … Continue reading

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April flowers

The days are lengthening and queen bumblebees are stirring from hibernation. Here in Warwickshire, we have seen winter-active Buff-tailed Bumblebees for much of the winter, but the first emerging queen bumblebee we observed was a Tree Bumblebee about 4 weeks ago. This … Continue reading

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Steven’s blog – bumblebee ID and farewell

It’s 11th January 2018 as I write this, sadly my last day of work for the Blooms for Bees project (though I will stay in touch with the project and continue to support Gemma and Judith in any way I … Continue reading

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Winter-active bumblebees

Bumblebee on Mahonia

Most bumblebee activity has now ceased for the year, with just the new queens waiting in hibernation, ready to start colonies in spring. However, in milder regions and urban areas, you may notice bumblebees feeding on winter-flowering plants.   Over … Continue reading

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Steven’s blog – Citizen science

In recent years, a growing number of projects and organisations have been engaging members of the public in research as ‘citizen scientists’. This often takes the form of activities such as, conducting experiments, completing surveys, or in the case of … Continue reading

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Foliar feed trial results

This summer, we have been working in partnership with Hozelock to find out whether foliar feeding can increase your container plants’ provision for bees, by improving plant health and flowering, as well as the quantity and quality of pollen and … Continue reading

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Dahlia trial results

In spring we sent out packets of seed to citizen scientists around the country, to explore the potential of ‘Mignon Series’ dahlias as insect friendly bedding plants and find out if bumblebees had a colour preference. Participants were asked to … Continue reading

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Steven’s Blog – Autumn bumblebees and findings from our app so far

Well, it’s already mid-September, which means that the bulk of this year’s records have come in and we are able to see some of the emerging patterns (though more detailed number-crunching will take place over the winter). There is very … Continue reading

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Blooms for Bees