Blooms for Bees

Blooms for Bees

Chaenostoma (Bacopa): a new RHS Perfect for Pollinators plant?

Chaenostoma (often listed as Bacopa and formerly Sutera) is a popular trailing plant which is suitable for growing in baskets and tubs. It has shown some potential for attracting bumblebees, so we are trialling three colour forms from the Abunda Colossal Series, to see if they are worthy of being added to the RHS Perfect for Pollinator list.  

We are growing white, pink and blue colour forms in hanging baskets at Wisley, and in tubs at Ryton Organic Gardens during summer 2017. Our student intern will make assessments of plant performance, nectar and pollen production, and bumblebee visitation.

Take part 
You can contribute to data collection by using the Blooms for Bees app to survey these plants if you visit RHS Wisley, Surrey. The trial will be accessible in the trials field during summer 2017, with on-site instructions on how to take part. 

Join the conversation on social media using #WisleyBlooms and follow trial updates on our blog.


Photos © Ball Colegrave Ltd

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Blooms for Bees